レカイエLecailliez ルイLouis

Graduate student in Computer Science (B.S.), Natural Language Processing (M.S.) and Japanese Studies (M.A.)


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e-Dubba: a Learning Platform for Sumerian Exposing Cuneiform Signs as Text (2022)
Louis Lecailliez
A Flipped Model of Active Reading Using Learning Analytics-enhanced E-book Platform (2021)
VeRdict: Imbuing VR Language Learning Applications with Dictionary Functionality (2021)
Louis Lecailliez, Noel H. Vincent
Construction of a Comparative Dictionary of Sinitic and Sinoxenic Languages Cognates Phonology (2021)
Louis Lecailliez
Technology Enhanced Jigsaw Activity Design for Active Reading in English (2021)
Vocabulary Recommendation Approach for Forced Migrants using Informal Language Learning Tools (2021)
A Prototype Framework for a Connected Lifelong Learner Model (2020)
Smart Dictionary for E-book Reading Analytics (2020)
Improving Learning Analytics and Student Performance through Connected Lifelong Learning on the Blockchain (2020)
Automatic Vocabulary Study Map Generation by Semantic Context and Learning Material Analysis (2019)
Construction of a Knowledge Map-based System for Personalized Second Language Learning (2019)
Louis Lecailliez, Brendan Flanagan, 緒方広明
A Hypergraph Data Model for Building Multilingual Dictionary Applications (2018)
Louis Lecailliez, Mathieu Mangeot
Preliminary Thoughts on Issues of Modeling Japanese Dictionaries Using the OntoLex Model (2017)
Louis Lecailliez


グラフ(データ構造)に基づく日本語辞書のモデル化への提案 (2016)
Propose un système de types pour constuire des dictionnaires sous forme de graphe. Plusieurs études de cas sont présentées.
チュノムを含めた越仏辞書の光学文字認識処理へのアプローチ (2015)
Méthode automatisée pour la recherche de caractères chinois complexes dans un dictionnaire électronique basée sur leur décomposition structurelle (2015)


日仏辞典 (2012-2014)
C#で開発したWindows Phone (ウィンドウズ フォン)のアプリ。dictionnaire-japonais.comのデータベースを使用する。


Master of Japanese Studies (2016)
自然言語処理の修士 (2015)
Bachelor of Japanese Studies (2013)
コンピューターサイエンスの学士 (2012)


華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)基礎級(Level 2) (2021)
日本語能力試験 N2級 (2017)
TOEICスコア 950点 (2015)
漢語水平考試(HSK)2級 (2013)


Tanneke Schoonheim grant for EURALEX Congress (2021)
Frais de participation de 80€.
Recipient of the scholarship of the Ministry of Education (MEXT) of Japan 🇯🇵 (2018-2022)
Frais de scolarité + allocation mensuelle.
Recipient of the scholarship of the Ministry of Education (MEYS) of the Czech Republic 🇨🇿 (2017-2018)
Chercheur à l'université Masaryk dans le centre de traitemement automatique des langues pendant 10 mois.

Other Academic Activities

Workshop on contributing to Jibiki.fr, a Japanese-French open collaborative dictionary platform (2022)
Member of the Asian Association for Lexicography (Asialex) (2021)
Member of the European Association for Lexicography (Euralex) (2021-2022)
Member of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) (2020, 2022)
Présentation lors de la IIème Journée d’étude sur la lexicologie et la lexicographie du japonais (2016)
Présentation lors de la Ière Journée d’étude sur la lexicologie et la lexicographie du japonais (2016)